Simple tricks to fit meditation into your day

Simple tricks to fit meditation into your day

Usually when one goes on vacation, the mind is finally supposed to relax and not think about stressful things. Have you ever noticed this well-intentioned plan never works?

I’m a woman constantly obsessing about what I need to face when I’m back at work, or things I need to do around the house. It’s a never-ending saga!

While on vacation for the last week in sunny Huatulco, I spent a lot of time napping under the shade of palm trees and meditating with my spirit guide. One thing I learned is that my mind wanders so much that I can’t even keep it still for 5 minutes at a time!

This dog is meditating better than me!

This means that for the precious moments that I am focused, I need to make my meditation count!

I started repeating short affirmations to myself whenever I caught myself being unable to stay in meditation mode:

  1. I am powerful and abundant.
  2. The Universe is providing everything that I need.
  3. I am getting whatever I want.
  4. Abundance, abundance, abundance!

These short little affirmations were a lot easier to automate in my head than doing the long drawn out versions like:

  • I am abundant and in the flow of money. The Universe provides me whatever I need. All my dreams are being realized. I want for nothing and am financially provided for.

If you find that you are having issues focusing on meditation or doing manifestation work, try coming up with short mantras that you can repeat to yourself throughout the day that are easy to remember.

Repetition is key! Find ways to build meditation into smaller chunks throughout the day.

There are days that I’ll meditate at my desk while I’m working. I’ll close my eyes for a few minutes and just focus on my breath. This helps me to be more centered and alert.

Active meditation is something I practice a lot. Usually when I’m washing dishes, or walking to get coffee, I’ll focus on the moment. What am I seeing, hearing, or smelling? Being present in the moment can often relax the brain.

Woman washing the dishes in the kitchen.
Washing dishes can be very meditative

It’s very easy for us to let our minds wander all day long, but as I get older I’m learning that my thoughts alone cause me more exhaustion than any other outside stimulus!

Mental breaks are very important when it comes to being productive and present in your life and the lives of others. If you are the type of person who likes to be of service, you have to remind yourself to take a lot of breaks.

Short mantras are also great for manifestation work! Try to figure out the quickest way to say what you want to achieve mentally:

  • I am manifesting an extra $2000 in the next 3 months to go on vacation to Hawaii in May 2017.

The best trick for manifestation is to make it seem like it’s already happening in your mind. That means you need to visualize what your intention looks like. Remember, you’ll always get what you ask for so make sure you are really clear when you do this work!

What does it feel like? Can you smell the dollar bills in your hand?  Is your wallet getting thicker? How happy do you look knowing that you didn’t go into debt to go on holidays? How does that beach sand feel between your toes? Can you feel the heat of the sun on your skin?

The visualization of your meditation is what helps convince you that your intention is becoming reality.

I’ve read some forums where people are attempting to attract the right significant other into their lives. You cannot force someone to fall in love with you. Free will is always going to work against you.

If you have a crush, you might let the red flags slide just to be with them. However, if you are focused on particular personality traits, you might end up attracting a mate more suitable for your needs.

How does this person make you feel? What activities are you doing on your dates? Is this person a great conversationalist? Does he or she make an effort with your family and friends?

There are going to be hundreds of qualities to choose from in a romantic partner manifestation. Just pick your top favourites and give it a go. Make up mantras and repeat them in your head when you think about it.

Hopefully this trick of shortening up affirmations into a repeatable mantras will help you if you can’t sit still long enough to meditate. Successful meditation requires frequency and repetition. The way I meditate looks nothing like how other people would meditate, but it works for me.

What are some tips that you have about fitting meditation into your life? Do you schedule it or just do it when you think of it? Share some of your secrets in the comments!